Monday, October 11, 2010

Captain Crook

I am staying at a really nice hotel in downtown Anchorage called The Hotel Captain Cook. Being from Hawaii, I knew some of the history that is shared between Alaska and, what Captain Cook called the ‘Sandwiche Isles.’
I was not expecting a hotel full of giant murals depicting Captain Cook’s explorations and missions. So I took out my camera and decided it would be nice for you to learn a little bit more about him.

1. Captain Cook took three major voyages of exploration. On which of these voyages did he first visit Hawaii?
a. First
b Second
c. Third

2.Here is a picture of native people from Nootka Sound. Where the heck is Nootka Sound?

a. Washington State
b. Vancouver Island Canada
c. Alaska

3. Captain Cook took naturalists along in order to draw and record new creatures or document strange discoveries. Here is a painting of the world's largest creature, the Blue Whale.
He saw it on his first voyage. Where was his first voyage?
a. Africa
b. Greenland
c. Antarctica

4. On what island was Captain Cook killed?
a. Tahiti
b. Hawaii
c. Oahu

Here is the Mamo bird of the Sandwiche Isles. What were the feathers used for?

Stay tuned for the answers tomorrow.

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