Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Before I forget, here are the answers to the Captain Crook blog post.
After visiting Hawaii, Captain Cook headed up to Alaska, turned around and then went back.
1. The answer is Captain Cook visited Hawaii on his third voyage.
This is a moose. They are found on Vancouver Island.
2. Nootka Sound is on the far west side of Vancouver Island in Canada.
This is a rare carved ceremonial head found in Alaska. It is covered with lichens. Lichens are one of the dominant land species in Antarctica. The color of the lichen is from algae growing inside a fungus-like organism.
3. Captain Cook's first voyage was to Antarctica (and lots of other places). Antarctica was a definite high point of the mission.
This is a beaded hair cap worn by Aleut women, the native culture of the Aleutian Islands. This cap is beautiful and takes a huge amount of work to make. I'll bet Captain Cook wished he would have stayed in Alaska instead of going back to Hawaii....
4. Captain Cook was killed on the Big Island. Ya, you all know the story.
This is a real seal intestine rain parka actually made and worn by Aleutians. Seal intestines allow water to pass out of the intestine, but not for water to diffuse in. The tiny, perfect, stitches were sewn with sinew. When the sinew got wet, it swelled up and made the parka absolutely waterproof. Isn't that just pure genius?
5. The Mamo's beautiful yellow feathers were used by the ali'i, for capes and ceremonial headwear.

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